
Converts unchunked responses coming back from its inner route into chunked responses of which each chunk is smaller or equal to the given size if the response entity is at least as large as the given threshold.


def autoChunk(maxChunkSize: Long)(implicit factory: ActorRefFactory): Directive0
def autoChunk(threshold: Long, maxChunkSize: Long)(implicit factory: ActorRefFactory): Directive0

The signature shown is simplified, the real signature uses magnets. [1]

[1]See The Magnet Pattern for an explanation of magnet-based overloading.


The parameter of type ChunkSizeMagnet decides for which values of HttpData the directive should apply and how to chunk the data. Predefined instances of ChunkSizeMagnet decide this on the basis of two parameters, the threshold size and the chunk size (if only one number is supplied it is used for both values). The threshold parameter decides from which size on an entity should be converted into a chunked request. The chunk size parameter decides how big each chunk should be at most.

See the autoChunkFileBytes directive for an alternative that adds another restriction to chunk a response only when it consists only of FileBytes, i.e. it is completely backed by a file.

Auto chunking is especially effective in combination with encoding. Encoding (gzip, deflate) always encodes the complete response part in one step. For big entities this can be a disadvantage especially when the data has to be read from a file into JVM heap buffers. Auto chunking helps here because it produces a lazy stream of response chunks that can be encoded one by one by an encoder so that only one chunk is loaded into the JVM heap at one time.


val route =
  autoChunk(5) {
    path("long")(complete("This is a long text")) ~

Get("/short") ~> route ~> check {
  responseAs[String] === "Short"
Get("/long") ~> route ~> check {
  val HttpResponse(_, c0, _, _) = response
  val List(c1, c2, c3) = chunks === HttpData("This ") === HttpData("is a ") === HttpData("long ") === HttpData("text")