
Just like Akka spray-can relies on the typesafe config library for configuration. As such its JAR contains a reference.conf file holding the default values of all configuration settings. In your application you typically provide an application.conf in which you override Akka and/or spray settings according to your needs.


Since spray uses the same configuration technique as Akka you might want to check out the Akka Documentation on Configuration.

This is the reference.conf of the spray-can module:

# spray-can Reference Config File #

# This is the reference config file that contains all the default settings.
# Make your edits/overrides in your application.conf.

spray.can {

  server {
    # The value of the `Server` header to produce.
    # Set to the empty string to disable rendering of the server header.
    server-header = spray-can/${spray.version}

    # Enables/disables SSL encryption.
    # If enabled the server uses the implicit `ServerSSLEngineProvider` member
    # of the `Bind` command to create `SSLEngine` instances for the underlying
    # IO connection.
    ssl-encryption = off

    # The maximum number of requests that are accepted (and dispatched to
    # the application) on one single connection before the first request
    # has to be completed.
    # Incoming requests that would cause the pipelining limit to be exceeded
    # are not read from the connections socket so as to build up "back-pressure"
    # to the client via TCP flow control.
    # A setting of 1 disables HTTP pipelining, since only one request per
    # connection can be "open" (i.e. being processed by the application) at any
    # time. Set to higher values to enable HTTP pipelining.
    # Set to 'disabled' for completely disabling pipelining limits
    # (not recommended on public-facing servers due to risk of DoS attacks).
    # This value must be > 0 and <= 128.
    pipelining-limit = 1

    # The time after which an idle connection will be automatically closed.
    # Set to `infinite` to completely disable idle connection timeouts.
    idle-timeout = 60 s

    # If a request hasn't been responded to after the time period set here
    # a `spray.http.Timedout` message will be sent to the timeout handler.
    # Set to `infinite` to completely disable request timeouts.
    request-timeout = 20 s

    # After a `Timedout` message has been sent to the timeout handler and the
    # request still hasn't been completed after the time period set here
    # the server will complete the request itself with an error response.
    # Set to `infinite` to disable timeout timeouts.
    timeout-timeout = 2 s

    # The period during which a service must respond to a `ChunkedRequestStart` message
    # with a `RegisterChunkHandler` message. During the registration period reading from
    # the network is suspended. It is still possible that some chunks have already been
    # received which will be buffered until the registration is received or the timeout is
    # triggered. If the timeout is triggered the connection is immediately aborted.
    chunkhandler-registration-timeout = 500 ms

    # The path of the actor to send `spray.http.Timedout` messages to.
    # If empty all `Timedout` messages will go to the "regular" request
    # handling actor.
    timeout-handler = ""

    # The "granularity" of timeout checking for both idle connections timeouts
    # as well as request timeouts, should rarely be needed to modify.
    # If set to `infinite` request and connection timeout checking is disabled.
    reaping-cycle = 250 ms

    # Enables/disables support for statistics collection and querying.
    # Even though stats keeping overhead is small,
    # for maximum performance switch off when not needed.
    stats-support = on

    # Enables/disables the addition of a `Remote-Address` header
    # holding the clients (remote) IP address.
    remote-address-header = off

    # Enables/disables the addition of a `Raw-Request-URI` header holding the
    # original raw request URI as the client has sent it.
    raw-request-uri-header = off

    # Enables/disables automatic handling of HEAD requests.
    # If this setting is enabled the server dispatches HEAD requests as GET
    # requests to the application and automatically strips off all message
    # bodies from outgoing responses.
    # Note that, even when this setting is off the server will never send
    # out message bodies on responses to HEAD requests.
    transparent-head-requests = on

    # Enables/disables an alternative response streaming mode that doesn't
    # use `Transfer-Encoding: chunked` but rather renders the individual
    # MessageChunks coming in from the application as parts of the original
    # response entity.
    # Enabling this mode causes all connections to be closed after a streaming
    # response has been finished since there is no other way to signal the
    # response end to the client.
    # Note that chunkless-streaming is implicitly enabled when streaming
    # responses to HTTP/1.0 clients (since they don't support
    # `Transfer-Encoding: chunked`)
    chunkless-streaming = off

    # Enables/disables the returning of more detailed error messages to
    # the client in the error response.
    # Should be disabled for browser-facing APIs due to the risk of XSS attacks
    # and (probably) enabled for internal or non-browser APIs.
    # Note that spray will always produce log messages containing the full
    # error details.
    verbose-error-messages = off

    # Enables/disables the logging of the full (potentially multiple line)
    # error message to the server logs.
    # If disabled only a single line will be logged.
    verbose-error-logging = off

    # If this setting is non-zero the HTTP server automatically aggregates
    # incoming request chunks into full HttpRequests before dispatching them to
    # the application. If the size of the aggregated requests surpasses the
    # specified limit the server responds with a `413 Request Entity Too Large`
    # error response before closing the connection.
    # Set to zero to disable automatic request chunk aggregation and have
    # ChunkedRequestStart, MessageChunk and ChunkedMessageEnd messages be
    # dispatched to the handler.
    request-chunk-aggregation-limit = 1m

    # The initial size if the buffer to render the response headers in.
    # Can be used for fine-tuning response rendering performance but probably
    # doesn't have to be fiddled with in most applications.
    response-header-size-hint = 512

    # For HTTPS connections this setting specified the maximum number of
    # bytes that are encrypted in one go. Large responses are broken down in
    # chunks of this size so as to already begin sending before the response has
    # been encrypted entirely.
    max-encryption-chunk-size = 1m

    # The time period within which the TCP binding process must be completed.
    # Set to `infinite` to disable.
    bind-timeout = 1s

    # The time period within which the TCP unbinding process must be completed.
    # Set to `infinite` to disable.
    unbind-timeout = 1s

    # The time period within which a connection handler must have been
    # registered after the bind handler has received a `Connected` event.
    # Set to `infinite` to disable.
    registration-timeout = 1s

    # The time after which a connection is aborted (RST) after a parsing error
    # occurred. The timeout prevents a connection which is already known to be
    # erroneous from receiving evermore data even if all of the data will be ignored.
    # However, in case of a connection abortion the client usually doesn't properly
    # receive the error response. This timeout is a trade-off which allows the client
    # some time to finish its request and receive a proper error response before the
    # connection is forcibly closed to free resources.
    parsing-error-abort-timeout = 2s

    # If this setting is empty the server only accepts requests that carry a
    # non-empty `Host` header. Otherwise it responds with `400 Bad Request`.
    # Set to a non-empty value to be used in lieu of a missing or empty `Host`
    # header to make the server accept such requests.
    # Note that the server will never accept HTTP/1.1 request without a `Host`
    # header, i.e. this setting only affects HTTP/1.1 requests with an empty
    # `Host` header as well as HTTP/1.0 requests.
    # Examples: `` or ``
    default-host-header = ""

    # Enables/disables automatic back-pressure handling by write buffering and
    # receive throttling
    automatic-back-pressure-handling = on

    back-pressure {
        # The reciprocal rate of requested Acks per NoAcks. E.g. the default value
        # '10' means that every 10th write request is acknowledged. This affects the
        # number of writes each connection has to buffer even in absence of back-pressure.
        noack-rate = 10

        # The lower limit the write queue size has to shrink to before reads are resumed.
        # Use 'infinite' to disable the low-watermark so that reading is resumed instantly
        # after the next successful write.
        reading-low-watermark = infinite

    # Enables more verbose DEBUG logging for debugging SSL related issues.
    ssl-tracing = off

    # Modify to tweak parsing settings on the server-side only.
    parsing = ${spray.can.parsing}

  client {
    # The default value of the `User-Agent` header to produce if no
    # explicit `User-Agent`-header was included in a request.
    # If this value is the empty string and no header was included in
    # the request, no `User-Agent` header will be rendered at all.
    user-agent-header = spray-can/${spray.version}

    # The time after which an idle connection will be automatically closed.
    # Set to `infinite` to completely disable idle timeouts.
    idle-timeout = 60 s

    # The max time period that a client connection will be waiting for a response
    # before triggering a request timeout. The timer for this logic is not started
    # until the connection is actually in a state to receive the response, which
    # may be quite some time after the request has been received from the
    # application!
    # There are two main reasons to delay the start of the request timeout timer:
    # 1. On the host-level API with pipelining disabled:
    #    If the request cannot be sent immediately because all connections are
    #    currently busy with earlier requests it has to be queued until a
    #    connection becomes available.
    # 2. With pipelining enabled:
    #    The request timeout timer starts only once the response for the
    #    preceding request on the connection has arrived.
    # Set to `infinite` to completely disable request timeouts.
    request-timeout = 20 s

    # the "granularity" of timeout checking for both idle connections timeouts
    # as well as request timeouts, should rarely be needed to modify.
    # If set to `infinite` request and connection timeout checking is disabled.
    reaping-cycle = 250 ms

    # If this setting is non-zero the HTTP client connections automatically
    # aggregate incoming response chunks into full HttpResponses before
    # dispatching them to the application.
    # If the size of the aggregated response surpasses the specified limit the
    # HTTP client connection is closed and an error returned.
    # Set to zero to disable automatic request chunk aggregation and have
    # ChunkedResponseStart, MessageChunk and ChunkedMessageEnd messages be
    # dispatched to the application.
    response-chunk-aggregation-limit = 1m

    # Enables/disables an alternative request streaming mode that doesn't
    # use `Transfer-Encoding: chunked` but rather renders the individual
    # MessageChunks coming in from the application as parts of the original
    # request entity.
    # Enabling this mode causes all requests to require an explicit `Content-Length`
    # header for streaming requests.
    # Note that chunkless-streaming is implicitly enabled when streaming
    # HTTP/1.0 requests since they don't support `Transfer-Encoding: chunked`.
    chunkless-streaming = off

    # The initial size if the buffer to render the request headers in.
    # Can be used for fine-tuning request rendering performance but probably
    # doesn't have to be fiddled with in most applications.
    request-header-size-hint = 512

    # For HTTPS connections this setting specified the maximum number of
    # bytes that are encrypted in one go. Large requests are broken down in
    # chunks of this size so as to already begin sending before the request has
    # been encrypted entirely.
    max-encryption-chunk-size = 1m

    # The time period within which the TCP connecting process must be completed.
    # Set to `infinite` to disable.
    connecting-timeout = 10s

    # The proxy configurations to be used for requests with the specified
    # scheme.
    proxy {
      # Proxy settings for unencrypted HTTP requests
      # Set to 'none' to always connect directly, 'default' to use the system
      # settings as described in
      # or specify the proxy host, port and non proxy hosts as demonstrated
      # in the following example:
      # http {
      #   host =
      #   port = 8080
      #   non-proxy-hosts = ["*"]
      # }
      http = default

      # Proxy settings for HTTPS requests (currently unsupported)
      https = default

    # Enables more verbose DEBUG logging for debugging SSL related issues.
    ssl-tracing = off

    # Modify to tweak parsing settings on the client-side only.
    parsing = ${spray.can.parsing}

  host-connector {
    # The maximum number of parallel connections that an `HttpHostConnector`
    # is allowed to establish to a host. Must be greater than zero.
    max-connections = 4

    # The maximum number of times an `HttpHostConnector` attempts to repeat
    # failed requests (if the request can be safely retried) before
    # giving up and returning an error.
    max-retries = 5

    # Configures redirection following.
    # If set to zero redirection responses will not be followed, i.e. they'll be returned to the user as is.
    # If set to a value > zero redirection responses will be followed up to the given number of times.
    # If the redirection chain is longer than the configured value the first redirection response that is
    # is not followed anymore is returned to the user as is.
    max-redirects = 0

    # If this setting is enabled, the `HttpHostConnector` pipelines requests
    # across connections, otherwise only one single request can be "open"
    # on a particular HTTP connection.
    pipelining = off

    # The time after which an idle `HttpHostConnector` (without open
    # connections) will automatically terminate itself.
    # Set to `infinite` to completely disable idle timeouts.
    idle-timeout = 30 s

    # Modify to tweak client settings for this host-connector only.
    client = ${spray.can.client}

  # The (default) configuration of the HTTP message parser for the server and
  # the client.
  # IMPORTANT: These settings (i.e. children of `spray.can.parsing`) can't be directly
  # overridden in `application.conf` to change the parser settings for client and server
  # altogether (see Instead, override the
  # concrete settings beneath `spray.can.server.parsing` and `spray.can.client.parsing`
  # where these settings are copied to.
  parsing {
    # The limits for the various parts of the HTTP message parser.
    max-uri-length             = 2k
    max-response-reason-length = 64
    max-header-name-length     = 64
    max-header-value-length    = 8k
    max-header-count           = 64
    max-content-length         = 8m
    max-chunk-ext-length       = 256
    max-chunk-size             = 1m

    # Sets the strictness mode for parsing request target URIs.
    # The following values are defined:
    # `strict`: RFC3986-compliant URIs are required,
    #     a 400 response is triggered on violations
    # `relaxed`: all visible 7-Bit ASCII chars are allowed
    # `relaxed-with-raw-query`: like `relaxed` but additionally
    #     the URI query is not parsed, but delivered as one raw string
    #     as the `key` value of a single Query structure element.
    uri-parsing-mode = strict

    # Enables/disables the logging of warning messages in case an incoming
    # message (request or response) contains an HTTP header which cannot be
    # parsed into its high-level model class due to incompatible syntax.
    # Note that, independently of this settings, spray will accept messages
    # with such headers as long as the message as a whole would still be legal
    # under the HTTP specification even without this header.
    # If a header cannot be parsed into a high-level model instance it will be
    # provided as a `RawHeader`.
    illegal-header-warnings = on

    # limits for the number of different values per header type that the
    # header cache will hold
    header-cache {
      default = 12
      Content-MD5 = 0
      Date = 0
      If-Match = 0
      If-Modified-Since = 0
      If-None-Match = 0
      If-Range = 0
      If-Unmodified-Since = 0
      User-Agent = 32

    # Sets the size starting from which incoming http-messages will be delivered
    # in chunks regardless of whether chunking is actually used on the wire.
    # Set to infinite to disable auto chunking.
    incoming-auto-chunking-threshold-size = infinite

    # Enables/disables inclusion of an SSL-Session-Info header in parsed
    # messages over SSL transports (i.e., HttpRequest on server side and
    # HttpResponse on client side).
    ssl-session-info-header = off

  # Fully qualified config path which holds the dispatcher configuration
  # to be used for the HttpManager.
  manager-dispatcher = ""

  # Fully qualified config path which holds the dispatcher configuration
  # to be used for the HttpClientSettingsGroup actors.
  settings-group-dispatcher = ""

  # Fully qualified config path which holds the dispatcher configuration
  # to be used for the HttpHostConnector actors.
  host-connector-dispatcher = ""

  # Fully qualified config path which holds the dispatcher configuration
  # to be used for HttpListener actors.
  listener-dispatcher = ""

  # Fully qualified config path which holds the dispatcher configuration
  # to be used for HttpServerConnection and HttpClientConnection actors.
  connection-dispatcher = ""