
“Marshalling” is the process of converting a higher-level (object) structure into some kind of lower-level representation, often a “wire format”. Other popular names for it are “Serialization” or “Pickling”.

In spray “Marshalling” means the conversion of an object of type T into an HttpEntity, which forms the “entity body” of an HTTP request or response (depending on whether used on the client or server side).

Marshalling for instances of type T is performed by a Marshaller[T], which is defined like this:

trait Marshaller[-T] {
  def apply(value: T, ctx: MarshallingContext)

So, a Marshaller is not a plain function T => HttpEntity, as might be initially expected. Rather it uses the given MarshallingContext to drive the marshalling process from its own side. There are three reasons why spray Marshallers are designed in this way:

  • Marshalling on the server-side must support content negotiation, which is easier to implement if the marshaller drives the process.
  • Marshallers can delay their actions and complete the marshalling process from another thread at another time (e.g. when the result of a Future arrives), which is not something that ordinary functions can do. (We could have the Marshaller return a Future, but this would add overhead to the majority of cases that do not require delayed execution.)
  • Marshallers can produce more than one response part, whereby the sequence of response chunks is available as a pull-style stream or from a push-style producer. Both these approaches need to be supported.

Default Marshallers

spray-httpx comes with pre-defined Marshallers for the following types:

Implicit Resolution

Since the marshalling infrastructure uses a type class based approach Marshaller instances for a type T have to be available implicitly. The implicits for all the default Marshallers defined by spray-httpx are provided through the companion object of the Marshaller trait. This means that they are always available and never need to be explicitly imported. Additionally, you can simply “override” them by bringing your own custom version into local scope.

Custom Marshallers

spray-httpx gives you a few convenience tools for constructing Marshallers for your own types. One is the Marshaller.of helper, which is defined as such:

def of[T](marshalTo: ContentType*)
         (f: (T, ContentType, MarshallingContext) => Unit): Marshaller[T]

The default StringMarshaller for example is defined with it:

// prefer UTF-8 encoding, but also render with other encodings if the client requests them
implicit val StringMarshaller = stringMarshaller(ContentTypes.`text/plain(UTF-8)`, ContentTypes.`text/plain`)

def stringMarshaller(contentType: ContentType, more: ContentType*): Marshaller[String] =
  Marshaller.of[String](contentType +: more: _*) { (value, contentType, ctx) 
    ctx.marshalTo(HttpEntity(contentType, value))

As another example, here is a Marshaller definition for a custom type Person:

import spray.http._
import spray.httpx.marshalling._

val `application/vnd.acme.person` =

case class Person(name: String, firstName: String, age: Int)

object Person {
  implicit val PersonMarshaller =
    Marshaller.of[Person](`application/vnd.acme.person`) { (value, contentType, ctx) =>
      val Person(name, first, age) = value
      val string = "Person: %s, %s, %s".format(name, first, age)
      ctx.marshalTo(HttpEntity(contentType, string))

marshal(Person("Bob", "Parr", 32)) ===
  Right(HttpEntity(`application/vnd.acme.person`, "Person: Bob, Parr, 32"))

As can be seen in this example you best define the Marshaller for T in the companion object of T. This way your marshaller is always in-scope, without any import tax.

Deriving Marshallers

Sometimes you can save yourself some work by reusing existing Marshallers for your custom ones. The idea is to “wrap” an existing Marshaller with some logic to “re-target” it to your type.

In this regard wrapping a Marshaller can mean one or both of the following two things:

  • Transform the input before it reaches the wrapped Marshaller
  • Transform the output of the wrapped Marshaller

You can do both, but the existing support infrastructure favors the first over the second. The Marshaller.delegate helper allows you to turn a Marshaller[B] into a Marshaller[A] by providing a function A => B:

def delegate[A, B](marshalTo: ContentType*)
                  (f: A => B)
                  (implicit mb: Marshaller[B]): Marshaller[A]

This is used, for example, by the NodeSeqMarshaller, which delegates to the StringMarshaller like this:

implicit val NodeSeqMarshaller =
  Marshaller.delegate[NodeSeq, String](`text/xml`, `application/xml`,
    `text/html`, `application/xhtml+xml`)(_.toString)

There is also a second overload of the delegate helper that takes a function (A, ContentType) => B rather than a function A => B. It’s helpful if your input conversion requires access to the ContentType that is marshalled to.

If you want the second wrapping type, transformation of the output, things are a bit harder (and less efficient), since Marshallers produce HttpEntities rather than Strings. An HttpEntity contains the serialized result, which is essentially an Array[Byte] and a ContentType. So, for example, prepending a string to the output of the underlying Marshaller would entail deserializing the bytes into a string, prepending your prefix and reserializing into a byte array.... not pretty and quite inefficient. Nevertheless, you can do it. Just produce a custom MarshallingContext, which wraps the original one with custom logic, and pass it to the inner Marshaller. However, a general solution would also require you to think about the handling of chunked responses, errors, etc.

Because the second form of wrapping is less attractive there is no real helper infrastructure for it. We generally do not want to encourage such type of design. (With one exception: Simply overriding the Content-Type of another Marshaller can be done efficiently. This is why the MarshallingContext already comes with a withContentTypeOverriding copy helper.)


The plain Marshaller[T] is agnostic to whether it is used on the server- or on the client-side. This means that it can be used to produce the entities (and additional headers) for responses as well as requests.

Sometimes, however, this is not enough. If you know that you need to only marshal to HttpResponse instances (e.g. because you only use spray on the server-side) you can also write a ToResponseMarshaller[T] for your type. This more specialized marshaller allows you to produce the complete HttpResponse instance rather than only its entity. As such the marshaller can also set the status code of the response (which doesn’t exist on the request side).

When looking for a way to marshal a custom type T spray (or rather the Scala compiler) first looks for a ToResponseMarshaller[T] for the type. Only if none is found will an in-scope Marshaller[T] be used.